Decking Oil for Spotted Gum Timber decking
Now that your new Spotted Gum decking has been placed, you must decide which decking oil is best for Spotted Gum Decking. First off, I should mention that Spotted Gum is by far my preferred decking timber to deal with because of its characteristics that ensure no two boards will ever look the same.
You will have a choice of Blondes, Browns, and perhaps Pinks to exhibit based on the origin of your Spotted Gum. With the aforementioned in mind, I firmly believe that if you’re willing to oil Spotted Gum wood, it’s only fair to do so in a way that highlights its features. You should definitely run with a translucent oil to do this. Now, when I say transparent oil, I don’t mean to tell you to go out and purchase some Clear because you will be lucky to get three months out of your oil.
If you are from Australia, you must use oil that contains some colour when oiling Spotted Gum decking because your timber will be exposed to the elements due to our severe UV rays and various weather conditions.
Here is a picture of a deck with a mixture of Yellow Box and Spotted Gum timbers that have been treated with our favourite oil.

This is a good example of showing the lightest I would ever recommend going with Spotted Gum using a oil.
Here is a old Spotted Gum deck we restored and finish a Oak finish. (my fav these days as of 2021)
Australian people must use oil with some colour when oiling Spotted Gum decking since their wood will be subjected to our harsh UV radiation and a variety of other weather conditions. Spotted Gum Decking has benefits, but there are also downsides that people need to be aware of. For instance, the wood is not the most sturdy of all timbers. If you neglect the wood’s numerous knots, you can quickly find yourself in a situation where fractures and warping form as a consequence of the wood’s contraction and expansion. The inflation and compression of the wood are caused by an excessive amount of fluid retention.
If you are currently in the planning phase of your deck construction and are comparing the price of Spotted Gum Decking Timbers decking per sq. meter to Merbau or similar materials, you should sit down because it is more expensive. Please take the time to study all 14 of the advice below so you can approach the management of your Spotted Gum decking with knowledge and prevent countless dollars in restorations.
14 suggestions to extend the lifespan of your spotted gum decking by at least 10 years – Learn some insider tips for cleaning and oiling spotted gum timbers.
- Tip 1:In general, it’s a great idea to let the wood release some of its natural tannin before applying protective coatings to your Spotted Gum Timber Decking for the first time. You have two options for doing this: applying chemical treatments, or letting the wood weather properly for 6–8 weeks. Please keep in mind that the disadvantage of this method is that the board will probably weather unevenly; for this reason, chemically initiating the procedure is our recommended way.
- Tip 2: Make sure to provide the deck a thorough cleaning with an acid solution and a good scrub before Oil Spotted Gum timber. Based on the area you reside, you can usually purchase “deck washing” cleaning products, which are typically only based on oxalic acid, at your neighborhood paint store.
One important thing to keep in mind is that you must strictly adhere to the deck wash product’s instructions to ensure that the acid has been completely removed from the wood after cleaning. Failing to do so could harm your coating and need expensive repairs. (Make sure the acid solution is eliminated before lubricating or you’ll lose some money for your vacation.)
Here is a substance that is easily found at hardware stores in Australia and is essentially a concentrated form of oxalic acid. The quantity you would ordinarily buy as a dilute mix from home improvement stores will increase by up to 10 times as a result. You can generally get this product in the concrete washing department, and it will cost you a ton of money.
- Tip 3: On some new decks, you might see black discoloration from metal that was chopped during the construction of a balustrade and could have seeped into the wood. Don’t be hesitant to give these areas a second or a third wash, keeping the same water/acid combination as the remainder of the Spotted Gum Decking while using a higher acid ratio to dissolve the pieces from the wood.
- Tip 4: Your Spotted Gum Decking Timbers has now been weathered, the tannin has been removed, it has been cleaned, dried, and is prepared for decking oil. Thus, the famous question arrives, “What is the finest decking oil for spotted gum decking timbers?” The finest oil you might currently afford is the answer to this. Plus don’t commit the mistake of purchasing cheap oil from your neighborhood hardware shop because you used a showcase wood for your decking build. You will be extremely disappointed. The ideal Decking Oil for Spotted Gum Timber Decking mixture for Spotted Gum is two coatings of oil with a somewhat reddish tint since it highlights the pinks, followed by a matte clear coat.
One benefit of a matte finish is because it can conceal blemishes from regular use. If you choose a high sheen finish, this will create a small line which will be visible as light diffracted off the coating every time the children toss bikes down or even a chair is shifted. The Australian Spotted Gum Timber Decking oil market is mostly controlled by a corporation that holds a monopoly, controls 80% of the brands available, and has, unsurprisingly, been acquired by foreign parties.
- Tip 5: The majority of product lines and stores sell what they consider a Good, Better, Best range, which has various UV filters and pigments of varying grade. Don’t be deceived by extravagant marketing claims, however. With decking oils, quality does match price. Making the item have the openness you would anticipate from paint is one strategy used by manufacturers to get by with using inexpensive UV inhibitors. High-end oils will include a blend of superior UV inhibitors, pigments, and anti-foaming agents, resulting in a surface that will highlight your deck made of Spotted Gum Timber Decking.
- Tip 6: Make careful you follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the container and give each coat ample time to dry. If at all possible, take pictures of the project after each coating so that, in the event that they issue a warranty on the work, you have the documentation you need to defend yourself.
- Tip 7: Give yourself enough time to collaborate on the deck over several days. If you have only enough time for one coat and you won’t be able to go outside for another week, you must be ready to completely clean the deck before applying the second Decking Oil for Spotted Gum Timber Decking coat because the deck will have accumulated debris, dust, and pollutants over the course of the week.
- Tip 8: Avoid oiling your Spotted Gum Timber Decking in high temperatures because this will almost surely result in lap marks and other problems. The general rule is to avoid lubricating your deck during periods when the outside temperature is well below 10 degrees and above 30 degrees. Most oils will be simple to work with on a cloudy day between 15 and 25 degrees without affecting your emotions.
- Tip 9: Keep your furnishings off the deck for seven days after it has been oiled to give the coating time to cross-link and harden, making it more scratch-resistant.
- Tip 10: Contrary to what your Spotted Gum Decking Timbers contractor may have told you, Spotted Gum is really a very unstable wood that doesn’t like it when it’s left damp. If there is any way to increase ventilation, doing so must be a top priority. e.g., if necessary, build vents or even cut holes in the side paneling.
- Tip 11: Throughout the winter, remove any chairs, pots, tables, and mats to allow the deck to self-dry in between downpours.
- Tip 12: Make sure the boards are spaced at least 5 to 6 MM apart when the spotted gum is laid.
Below is a short video condition report for a client in Melbroune showing a new Spotted Gum deck build. In this instance I rejected the build and instructed the client to have the builder remove and reinstate half the deck due to poor spacing’s. If board spacings are not correct and the area has poor airflow the build is destined to fail.
- Tip 13: Make sure the wood never comes into touch with grass or soil boundaries because this will cause wood to deteriorate quickly.
(Below is a new Spotted Gum deck is the front trim having contact with the ground – this timber will cause the step to start rotting out in under 12 months.)
Here is a prime example of a side trim causing the sub floor to rott out on a deck thats only a few years old
- Tip 14: Do not believe the manufacturer’s statements on the cans! The unfortunate fact is that you chose lovely, feature-rich racing car wood… There is however a cost involved, and it is not just referring to the initial build. If the Decking Oil for Spotted Gum Timber Decking is exposed to direct sunlight or other irregular exposure, it must be given a service coating of oil every six months on schedule. If you will not have side-on exposure, it’s safe to run in undercover places every 12 months.
Here is a photo of a Spotted Gum deck we sanded/sealed using our favourite combination of oils. This deck had previously been coated with one of Bunnings top-selling brands which resulted in early life failure.
***Personal note – thanks for all the lovely phone calls I’ve had with people calling to express a thank-you from different states around Australia 🙂 puts a smile on a my dial. If you honor the above golden rules for Spotted Gum decking, I can assure you it will last the test of time. Kind Regards, Ben J – Deck Rejuvenation Pty Ltd***
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